May 29, 2009

Friday Update: 5/29/09

I made a few upgrades to the website and one of the most noticeable one is under the contact section of the website. If you visit that section there is a feature on the bottom that allows anyone to leave feedback or comments. The comments left can be viewed by both us and the visitors, the feedback received can be used to improve our site and what we offer. So If you have any time please leave us a comment telling us what you like and what you don't like!

Coming in mid-June I will be applying a minor upgrade to all current widgets, this upgrade will allow the user to turn off automated alerts (when an update is available) this solves the problem of a blank box appearing when the computer is offline. I'm not sure exactly when you can expect it.

Also next by week I hope to completely finish the CAP webApp and submit it to!

The two books have been ordered and will arrive some time Tuesday or Wednesday, and I can begin with the Objective-C and iPhone SDK learning.

May 22, 2009

Friday Update: 5/22/09

I kinda missed last weeks Friday update, but I really didn't have much to say. I don't have much for today either but wanted to make sure you knew we still cared!

I'm going to be adding some minor upgrades to our site over the weekend and hopefully add more content to the misc. page. I also hope to get CAP webApp out of beta and submit it to

Other then that I don't have much left to talk about, been busy with finals and summer is almost here! With summer beginning I hope to purchase two books next week for Objective-C and iPhone Programing, with those I hope to begin the journey of learning Objective-C and eventually offering apps for both the computer and mobile.

May 8, 2009

Friday Update: 5/8/09

CAP webApp beta is out, and because this is a Beta it still might have a few bugs but generally is complete. Though the background option is not fully ready and currently you can only choose one background. I hope to have it out of Beta within the week and then I'll add it too's website.

The webApp was the last planned major release for us in the foreseeable future. At this point their is nothing in the works for the future months to come, but as mention previously I hope to begin learning Objective-C and the iPhone SDK this summer and eventually we can offer iPod/iPhone apps! So you can look forward to that to come in a few months.

I do have a little bit more free time so I hope to add more content in the Misc. section of the site for anyone to use, including desktop backgrounds and perhaps more iPhone background.

That is it for now!

May 1, 2009

Friday Update: 5/1/09

It has been another quite week with little happening, though as mentioned before the Carve A Pumpkin widget is doing quiet well. As of now it is currently in the 3rd sport on's top ten list.

I hope to begin the Carve A Pumpkin Web App this week and maybe have it ready in about 2 weeks or so.I also hope to add more content to the miscellaneous page on the website for you to access.

Lastly I made minor updates to the website and the mobile website, mainly minor visual changes and such.

That is about it for this week!