August 21, 2009

10,000 Hit Celebration, Almost Here!


We are a little over 500 views away from reaching 10,000! Thanks to people like you, our site will be viewed over 10,000 times soon. Considering how new we are that is quiet an achievement, we have been getting an average of 60 views a day! Sure compared to Google or Youtube it's not even a drop in the bucket.

To celebrate this milestone (also the site is roughly one year old now) we will be having a week long celebration on our site with daily events. The week long celebration will end with a rather large announcement that many will be quiet interested in. The subject of this announcement will be known at the start of the week and by the end of the week the actual announcement will be made! The smaller daily events leading up to the last day will also be nice little "gifts" to those who support our company and what we do. A detailed list of what can be expected will be posted the day before we reach the milestone (most likely)... And speaking of the date, we aren't exactly sure when we will reach it but the day after it happen (unless it happens early mourning) the 7 day event will begin.

We could expect to reach 10,000 in about 10 days I think.

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