June 26, 2009

Friday Update: 6/26/09

I haven't been posting in a very long time, but I'm continuing work with both the site/company and the Obj-C.  I have also been busy with work and other responsibilities. I hope to get more accomplished very soon and make a few updates, and as for news we have quite a few topics to cover.

First bit of news is in regards to the three current widgets, I'm hoping to get a update out within the next 7 days for each of them. This update will fix a problem in which a blank box will appear near the widget when the computer does not have Internet access, this causes an aesthetic problem. Also we will have a surprise feature update for Build A Snowman!

4th Of July is approaching and we have been working on the development of a widget for the holiday, this will be a simple but fun widget that everyone should enjoy. At this point its still early in the development and we aren't ready to release any further details other then it should be available by July 2nd or 3rd if all goes well. That only gives us about 6 days to finish the widget and if all goes well we should meet the deadline, we will be putting alot of our energy towards this widget and make sure it is a quality widget. If the widget is not at high standards by the deadline we might postpone it, though the widget will work for just about any time of the year.

JIL, Joint Innovation Lab, who contacted us a few months ago in regards to our Widget and Web Apps have started the porting of Dashboard Widgets for use as Mobile Widgets, very soon our widgets should be added to their large collection of widgets for the mobile device. I will continue to keep you posted on the progress of the our content and JIL.

I am nearing the end of the Objective-C book I have been reading this month, I have been gaining alot of experience in the language and development of programs with it. Once I finish It I have plans to re-read it to further gain a better grasp of the language, and once I finish it for the 2nd time I will be moving onto the iPhone SDK/Cocoa book. If all goes well we might be able to get out a Application for  the iPhone and iPod Touch late summer or early fall!

Now onto the Website and Mobile site, it has been neglected a bit and I  gotten it updated or awhile but that should also change in the coming days as I hope to make a few adjustments and updates to both the Mobile and Regular website, once again I'll keep you posted as changes come.

We have been constantly promising to add more to the Misc. section of the website and we hope to add to that in the coming month with Wallpapers, Screen Savers, and Much More! So expect that very soon.

Phew! that was a lot, after a sorta slow period the coming month will be a very busy one and expect much coming from the company. It should be an exciting time for everyone.

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